Spa Towells Moisturizing Towelettes

Spa Towells moisturizing towelettes is a perfect gift for the person on the go, and truly who isn't on the go these days??? You can keep them in your purse, in your desk, in your glove box, in your tack box! You can even take them on the plane!! It's winter time and Spa Towells always saves the day for me. Whether I'm out running errands and washing my hand with anti-bacterial soap which always dries out my hands or visiting a place where the heater is just cranking away sucking every last bit of moisture from my skin... Spa Towells always saves the day!! 

When I lived in Dallas, I had the extreme pleasure to meet the two extremely talented women who came up with Spa Towells. I miss our chats over coffee at Jorge's Cafe Vienna (best coffee in Dallas/Plano!). 

Oh, back to Spa Towells - The silky, luxurious moisturizing towelette leaves skin hydrated and refreshed with no greasy residue.  Individual packets fit anywhere and eliminate spills and messes associated with traditional bottles and jars.

A perfect balance of natural oils, conditioners and humectants help to reinforce skin’s natural ability to attract and retain moisture.  Retaining moisture improves skin texture, which contributes a great deal to the feeling of resilience and elasticity of younger, fresher, healthier, more supple skin.

Spa Towells Moisturizing Towelettes available in 5 or 10packs. 

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