Happy 19th Birthday Beauty Cafe!!

I cannot believe that it's been 19 years since I first opened the virtual doors to Beauty Cafe. WOW sometimes it seems like just yesterday and other days it seems like this is the only job I've ever known. 

If I recall correctly, the first version of Beauty Cafe I did using Microsoft Front Page Editor. Yes I actually taught myself HTML. I was a natural for web design having a graphic background. Front Page Editor was the only game in town as the time. I bought my first Apple Computer (Mac SE/30) in 1990 when Alannah was first born. I've been a Mac person ever since (except for those couple of early years when there were no web editing apps on the Mac. I immediately moved back to the Mac with the introduction of Dreamweaver. That was a long time ago.

Happy Birthday Beauty CafeLooking back, I've really come a long way. I remember the first day we hit $100.00 in sales and how we danced around the living room.  I also remember taking a deep breathe and making the scary decision that I would go full time with Beauty Cafe in 2000 when I went through my divorce. It was so important for me to be there as much as I could for Alannah. For me it never was about hitting the big time, becoming an ecommerce millionaire, I wanted to be able to create a living that would afford me to be home to raise my daughter and be there for her. 

As anyone who has ever owned their own business will (honestly) tell you, there will be good times and not so good times, you will probably experience every emotion possible. I am fortunate to have a wonderful support team. I am ever so grateful for each and every one of them who have been there for me through the years. 

Happy Birthday Beauty Cafe!! Here's looking to at least another 19 years!! I love you!! 

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