Aisling's Beauty Blog

Beauty Cafe has been online for almost 18 years now. Through the years, I've been very fortunate to develop friendships with many of my customers and even more blessed to have met several in person. I recently had the pleasure of "virtually" meeting Aisling and she's just too lovely of a person not to share with y'all.

Aisling Beauty

Aisling is a 25 year old nursing student, with a facial port wine stain (vascular birthmark) who lives across the pond. Keromask London recently sent Aisling a Keromask ProArtist Travel Set for her review. Somehow I entered into the mix and well, we've struck up a little friendship.

In her first blog post about using Keromask, Aisling shared the Trials and Errors of how she worked with the product. Her honesty and vulnerability is so refreshing... there's this feeling that -  well Aisling is just the girl next door, your BFF. While she may not be the celebrity of the moment - you never know, she just may be the next Instagram girl? She's you and she's me, she's real people and I just adore her!!

In another post, Aisling invites a couple of good friends to come over and test out the Keormask. I had to laugh when one of them describes it as " Smooth like a baby’s bum! Not sticky at all."

Check out Aisling's blog when you have a minute... in honor of the upcoming World Vascular Birthmark Day, May 15th, she's putting together  a special blog post and would love to hear from others with Vascular Birthmarks/port wine stains. If you know someone who has one... share Aisling's blog with them.

Love, laughter, and friendship,

Beauty Cafe



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